Day 0
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4

Why you don't want to hit a curling wave sideways...

We were looking for another nice river to paddle. One with lots of rapids. I had spent two months looking at a map of Saskatchewan, mapping out the various watersheds. This was to find a river of about the right size and flow. Eventually, I stumbled onto the Haultain. It was perfect for us. It even had a nice road that ran along its course, so that we would have a choice of access points, and an emergency way out (just take off through the bushes to the road.

The watersheds

We had 3 canoes:

Rick Lloyd and Warren Long
Brent Clark and Mike Baribeau
Alan Tsui and Darryl Ferster

The trip was much more of an adventure than we expected, but I won't ruin the story by telling it all here...

If you want to see a map of the river, click here.

Oh yeah, this is NOT a trip for novices. While we are not good by any stretch of the imagination, we have done enough so that we have a pretty good idea what our limits are.

Anyways, on to the start of the trip

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