Season's Greetings

You may recall that 2004 was hectic for us. We signed up for a house in Florida, spent the summer working on our house to sell it, and had a big family reunion of the Long Clan in Virginia. (Click on the pictures for a larger size)

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We finally moved into our new house on December 15th, and have now been here one year, and still have some boxes to unpack. Downsizing was painful. But we are very pleased that we moved; Peter works out at the fitness center every morning and Joyce walks. We bike a bit on the weekends, and have made a couple of kayak trips on local rivers.

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We much prefer this in Florida   

to this in Virginia


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Our move was enthusiastically supported by our geographically extended family. They lost no time. Graham, Nancy, Stephanie, Eric, Brian and Julianne arrived in February while Warren, Sandy and Keiran came in March, both families sleeping wherever they could among piles of boxes. We look forward to them repeating their visits in 2006, when we should be better organized.  IMG_0370_1.jpg (403151 bytes)
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We made our summer trip to Emma Lake in Saskatchewan in June, this time in our new 35 foot trailer, although we did not dawdle much on the way. Old habits are hard to change. 

Summer at the cabin was cool with a lot of rain. Peter did one brief canoe trip (it rained; that is his Florida tan) 

Canoe200507_016_1.jpg (274233 bytes)
P7160028_1.jpg (265745 bytes) Joyce's birthday always falls during summer at the cabin. There was often a gang at the cottage at weekends, which was fun. Even better, the visitors always cooked superb meals. And we could recuperate during the rest of the week. P7170126_1.jpg (159659 bytes)
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Warren organized everyone for bike rides into Prince Albert National Park (it rained!)

And we did paddle gently around our lake most days.


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Life was not all beer and skittles. At the lake we repaired the deck, painted, put on a new roof, fixed the furnace, felled trees and stacked wood. 

Of course, there were a few warm days when we had to cool off in the lake

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IMG_1041_1.jpg (282005 bytes) After Labor Day the population at the lake declined, and finally we (Warren mostly, with Keiran's help) took the dock in.

The aspens turned golden and it was time to follow the geese south

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IMG_1089_1.jpg (344960 bytes) Back to Spruce Creek and the riot of  weeds which had flourished over the past 3 months, as well as the exotic creepers Joyce is now cultivating.



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Here, we are continuing to build shelves and storage, adding to landscaping, continuing the unpacking of the remainder of  250 movers boxes and finding places to put everything. But we made the right move.

Have a good holiday and our best wishes for 2006,                

Peter and Joyce